The Power of Affirmations
Empowered women not only empower other women, but it's actually in addition to them having readied practice in speaking over, and encouraging themselves as well.
Self-encouragement comes from developing a positive mindset, said to be one of the most powerful and transformative habits that you can incorporate into your lifestyle. That it's an essential element to your overall health and well-being, one that will transform your life and fill you with newfound energy and confidence.
What are affirmations?
Affirmations are simply positive statements that describe a desired situation, generally repeated several times in order to activate the subconscious into action. And like many learning techniques, repetition is key to reinforcing the learning and embedding of the affirmation into your "positive mindset muscle memory."
How can affirmations be advantageous for me?
Repetition of your affirmations helps to focus your mind on your goal, which then automatically creates a corresponding thought or image in your mind. In turn, the affirmation affects the subconscious mind as it accepts the thought or image as truth, to nurture and grow until it becomes reality.
By using the process of positive affirmations consciously and intently, you can literally transform your habits, your behaviors and your attitude and have a dramatic effect in the results that you see in your life.
And yet, be careful....
The challenge for most women is that they often repeat negative words or statements concerning a particular situation or event in their lives and, consequently, by magnetic power of the Law of Attraction, create an undesirable result. Unfortunately, our subconscious minds accept as true whatever we keep saying to ourselves. Subsequently, we eventually attract corresponding events, people and situations into our lives that reflect whatever “truths” our subconscious has accepted. Most often, we’re not even fully aware of the words and statements that we’re choosing to repeat in our minds which leads to unknown impacts left for us that we may not wish to have created in the first place. So, either way, whichever words and the statements that you choose to tell yourself, you work to create or destroy your dreams.
Your subconscious is easily influenced by the thoughts and mental focus of your conscious mind, reacting to and following its instruction and guidance. What your conscious, rational mind thinks, your subconscious accepts.
While you are certainly aware of the activity in your conscious mind (yeah, 60,000 thoughts worth!), your subconscious is incredibly powerful and makes up a large percentage of your mental activity, even if you’re not aware of it.
The use of positive affirmations works in as little as 3 ways to re-program your mind because:
Affirmations keep your mind focused on a goal while simultaneously influencing and activating the power of your unconscious mind
They are positive statements which will transform you from the inside out, helping to change the way that you think and act
Affirmations make you feel more positive and energized. They help to raise your vibration and reflect your true nature, thus helping you to achieve your goals and dreams.
How To Use Affirmations
Always state your affirmations in the positive and focus on what you wish to have happen. ("I don't want to be fat" versus "I am a slim person" convey a similar message yes, but they are different. By focusing on affirmations where the subject of the affirmation is positive, is the goal)
Be specific; have a time frame (down to the year, month, day of the week or date, and time, including the hour and minute! If it can be measured include said measurements ('x' lbs lost, $0.00 dollars, etc.) And remember, the sky is not only the limit, but your point of view
A little tricky here, but affirm as if your already in the future and said affirmation has come into fruition. So, from the perspective as if you're already in the future, affirm your goal(s) in the past tense, as if it's already passed; all while in the current present. This will cause your subconscious mind to work at making your goal(s) happen now, in the present; playing catch up with the prophesied truth that you've spoken into existence as already true
Make your affirmations concise and simple. Your affirmation should be like a mantra that you can repeat over and over again without even giving it a thought
Repeat your affirmations daily and regularly. You can repeat your affirmations every time your mind is not engaged in something important--in the shower or while waiting in line. You can also schedule short 5 – 10 sessions each day during which you repeat your affirmations
Don’t force it, just say it. Relax any physical, emotional or mental tension while affirming. The stronger your concentration and the more feeling you put into your affirmations, the more effective and faster your results will be
Affirm as if your already in the future and said affirmation has come into fruition
Seeing results from your efforts depends on a number of factors such as the amount of time, focus, faith and energy your invest in repeating your affirmations. The strength of your desire and the size of your goal can be factors as well. Sometimes results happen quickly but generally some time and practice is required. When you first begin using affirmations, focus on the positive feelings you generate when you repeat them. Soon you’ll notice a positive shift in your energy and begin to see results unfold as your use of affirmations helps you tune into yourself and your true desires.
Below are examples of my personal affirmations as inspiration for creating some affirmations of your own:
Practice This Exercise
Repeat your affirmations (5-20 times) out loud to yourself for 5 minutes every day, for at least 60 days (90 is optimal)--best to repeat your affirmation to yourself at the same time each day, to help you get into a routine.
Over time, these affirmations will become ingrained in your mind, naturally resulting in thoughts and choices that further bring your affirmations into fruition.
If you want, like me, you can create an eco-friendly version online!--with a voice over of yourself speaking the affirmations, with upbeat, encouraging music in the background and visuals that appeal to you. You can create a whole playlist for yourself to have on hand like I have. And for every video, you can let it replay as many as you want--I find 5-10 times is a good range to become familiar with.
So once you have repeated your affirmations for 60-90 days, simply relax and let your unconscious mind work its magic!